Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



O. Hryb1, I. Karpalyuk1, S. Shvetsʹ1, N. Rudevich1, N. Zakharenko2

1 National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv, Ukraine

2 Priazovsky State Technical University, Mariupol Ukraine

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Objective. An acoustic method for diagnosing the presence of a corona discharge is proposed, ie the registration of the presence of a corona discharge is performed according to its own spectrum of acoustic oscillations.

Research methodology. The spectroacoustic method developed at the Department of Automation and Cybersecurity of Power Systems, which is based on acoustic oscillations generated by the corona discharge, is used for research.

Research results. The proposed method allows remote diagnostics for the presence of corona discharge. Moreover, such diagnostics can be performed in the mode of continuous monitoring.

Scientific novelty. The direction of research of parameters connected with the corona discharge is allocated. A parallel corona discharge - quality. Methods for determining the presence of a corona discharge on the conductive parts of the equipment are given. The obtained frequency spectra made it possible to detect a set of lines inherent only in the corona discharge.

Practical meaning. The method allows remote diagnostics for the presence of corona discharge. Moreover, such diagnostics can be performed in the mode of continuous monitoring.

Keywords: electric energy quality, corona discharge, frequency spectra, electrical system, acoustic oscillations


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