Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



V.I. Samusya1, Ye.A. Kirichenko1, M.V. Kholomenyuk1, A.A. Bobrishov1

1 Ukraine, Dnipro, Dnipro University of technology

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Objective. Determine the rational diameter of the transport pipeline for a powerful sea hydraulic lift of polymetallic nodules.

Research methodology. The work implements an innovative deterministic-phenomenological approach by solving a variational conjugate problem that combines the study of the processes of internal and external hydrodynamics. At the same time, internal hydrodynamics focuses on the study of the process of transporting solid minerals, while the external one is associated with the flow around the transport pipeline by the marine environment and is mainly reduced to the establishment of aerohydrodynamic coefficients.

Research results. As a result of the research, an innovative deterministic-phenomenological approach to modeling the transport pipe systems of the World Ocean was proposed, based on the use of deterministic mathematical models of heterogeneous flows in combination with the engineering erudition of the developers. This approach can be useful when there is a shortage of available information on some initial data and operating conditions of hydraulic lifts, and can also be extended to the stepped design of a deep-water hydraulic lift in the last sections of the lifting pipe, as well as the choice of rational design parameters of the entire production staff, taking into account the presence of satellite pipelines.

In the theory of hydrotransport, a new term "idle" power has been introduced and substantiated, as well as its scientific definition. This term means energy costs not associated with the lifting of solid material in the transport pipeline, but spent only on its interaction with the surrounding marine environment when the carrier vessel moves. Idle power is of paramount importance in solving a number of applied problems and is ultimately responsible for the competitiveness of the lift pipe system in the oceans.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the choice of the rational diameter of a deep-water hydraulic lift was carried out by minimizing the total energy capacity, including the energy consumption for both the transportation of polymetallic nodules and the movement of the transport pipeline in the seawater.

The practical meaning significance lies in the fact that the rational diameter of the transport pipeline for lifting 1 million tons per year of polymetallic nodules from a depth of 6 km for airlift hydraulic lift is 0.72 m, and for the pumping version of deep-water hydraulic lift is 0.65 m.

Keywords: deep-water hydraulic lift, nodules, pipeline, pump, airlift, diameter.


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