Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


A. Rubel1; B. Boyko2; V. Rubel3; A. Kuraeva4

1 SE "OK" Ukruglerestructurization "

2 SE "Novovolynsk mechanical repair plant"

3 LLC "Record-A"

4 LLC "Pfizer Ukraine"

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Objective. The paper examines the existing safety guides, which provide a connection between the moving vessel and the conductors of the barrel reinforcement, as well as the attachment of the conductors to the shootings. Their different designs for different types of trunk reinforcement are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.

Research methodology. The study is based on the task - to find and develop a design for fastening rope-profile conductors to cantilever damping shoots, which will reduce the above shortcomings and increase the operational parameters of the system.

Research results. Development of designs of devices of kinematic fastening of rope-profile conductors to executions will allow to reduce shortcomings of existing designs of fastening of rigid and flexible conductors to executions and to reach the following results:

- to increase the level of safe fastening of the rope-profile conductor before shooting;

- reduce capital costs due to the reduction in the number of tiers of barrel reinforcement;

- reduce the complexity of maintenance and repair;

- to provide a high level of safety of movement of vessels at disturbance of fastening of a trunk;

- reduce the level of dynamic oscillations in the system "vessel-reinforcement";

- to reduce the impact of fastening and corrosion on the durability of the fastenings of the rope-profile conductor and firing;

- to provide a stable kinematic connection in the system "conductor - shooting";

- to increase the level of reliability and safety of operation of barrel reinforcement.

Scientific novelty On the basis of the analysis designs for work in system "vessel-reinforcing" with rope-profile conductors, type of paws with captures and kinematic fastenings of rope-profile conductors to shootings allowing the conductor to move up and down and thus to transfer horizontal dynamic efforts are developed. in the frontal and lateral planes for execution.

Practical meaning. The developed design of the device of kinematic communication of rope-profile conductors and firing has all serially issued elements and a minimum of bolt fastenings, and also allows: to effectively dampen dynamic fluctuations in system "vessel-reinforcement" at the expense of rubber dampers and air gaps; strengthen the joint protects the profile due to the location of the rail on the opposite side and have a small cargo path, due to the high rigidity of the joint.

Keywords: mine vertical shafts, rope-profile conductors, skips, executions, safety guides, devices for fastening conductors to executions.


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