Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


V. Kovalenko1, Є. Kuznetsovа2, V. Kuznetsov2

1 Ukraine, Zaporizhia, Zaporizhia National University

2 Ukraine, Dnipro, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

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Purpose. To investigate the effectiveness of stimulating the release of biogas from a bovine substrate under the influence of magnetic and electromagnetic fields of a certain intensity under thermophilic and mesophilic temperature conditions.

The methodology. Experimental studies on the basis of a laboratory biogas plant, consisting of a bioreactor connected to a system for collecting and maintaining biogas, makes it possible to determine the dynamics of release and its total amount. The reactor part is equipped with a system for influencing the substrate with the indicated fields with the ability to control the intensity of the latter. Thus, empirically, it is possible by the method of successive approximation to determine the optimal value of induction, at which the release of the biogas mixture is intensified. The studies were carried out on a bovine substrate under thermophilic and mesophilic modes of bioreactor operation.

Findings. As a result of the research, it was found that exposure to constant magnetic and electromagnetic fields with an intensity of up to 15 mT on the substrate at thermophilic and mesophilic temperature conditions can increase the volume of biogas mixture release by 12-14%, compared to the experiment without using such a field. It was also found that, in addition to increasing the productivity of the meteorological tank, it is possible to shorten the biomethanogenesis cycle by 1-2 days and, thus, increase the overall energy efficiency of the biogas plant.

The originality. As a result of the analysis of the obtained experimental data, a range of intensity of constant magnetic and electromagnetic fields was established, which allows stimulating the vital activity of bacteria involved in the production of biogas and increasing the volume of its release up to 14% under the conditions of thermophilic and mesophilic modes of bioreactor operation.

Practical implications. A series of experiments has led to the conclusion that the influence of constant magnetic and electromagnetic fields of a certain intensity stimulates the process of biogas release.

Keywords: biogas, biomethanogenesis, bioenergy, biogas plant, magnetic field, electromagnetic field.


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