А.М. Muha1, D.V. Ustimenko1, О.О. Karzova1, М.М. Kedria1, O.Ya Kurilenko1
1 Dnieper National University of Railway Transport named after Acad. V. Lazaryan, Dnipro, Ukraine ABSTRACT
Purpose. Obtain a pattern that would describe the stochastic process of wear of the contact wire on the railways of Ukraine. The methodology of research consists in processing the results of experimental data on determining the height of the contact wire by probabilistic and statistical methods. Findings. Statistical processing of experimental data on determining the height of the overhead wire on the alternating current sections of the L’viv railway was carried out during operational tests of electric locomotives equipped with pantograph plates made of «Romanit-UVLSh» material. The originality. The correspondence of the stochastic process of the contact wire wear to the normal law is established. Practical implication. The research results can be used as the basis for predictive models of the overhead wire wear. Keywords: sliding contact, contact wire, contact wire height, random variable, normal distribution law.
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