Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


A.M. Galinovskiy1, V.A. Bober1, S.L. Baran2

1 Ukraine, Kiev, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute"

2 Ukraine, Nova Kakhovka, LTD "NVP Novokakhovsk Electric Machine Building Plant"

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Objective. improvement of the automated method for calculating AM, building diagrams of currents and the resulting electromotive force of AM in the slip range s = – ∞ ÷ ∞ for given network parameters and taking into account nonlinear changes in the parameters of the T-shaped equivalent circuit.

Research methodology taking into account nonlinear changes in the parameters of the T-shaped equivalent circuit of an induction machine, as well as building diagrams of currents and the resulting electromotive force

Research results. An automated method for calculating a short-circuited asynchronous machine has been developed taking into account nonlinear changes in the parameters of the T-shaped equivalent circuit during sliding s = – ∞  ∞.

Scientific novelty. When calculating at each step of slip change, the value of the rotor current is preset, the accuracy of the calculation is checked when comparing the calculated and specified values ​​of the mains voltage.

Practical meaning. An analysis of the diagrams of currents and the resulting electromotive force of an asynchronous machine with a power of 30 kW is given, and also the diagrams of currents are compared with different accounting for changes in the resistance of the magnetizing circuit. With slip s = ± ∞, the resulting EMF, secondary circuit current and AM torque, calculated taking into account the main losses in the stator and rotor, are equal to zero.

Keywords: asynchronous machine, voltage, current, slip, characteristic, diagram


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