Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



T. Bass1, W. Protsiv1

1 Ukraine, Dnipro, Dnipro university of technology

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Objective. Development of a method for calculating the parameters of the rear suspension of a hybridized vehicle and determining its rational parameters. Analyze the chemical composition of spring steels and identify the components that affect spring stiffness.

Methodology. A mathematical model of the vehicle suspension system for the study of vertical and transverse-angular body vibrations has been developed. Numerical analysis methods for solving the resulting system of differential equations have been applied.

Methods for collecting, selecting, analyzing information and a systematic approach to determine the effect of the content of alloying components in steel on the stiffness of a spring made from it have been used.

Research results. As a result of the research, it was found that an increase in the unsprung mass of the car while maintaining the standard parameters of the car's suspension leads to negative consequences - the oscillations grow in amplitude and the process of their damping is longer. The use of springs with a higher (relative to the base samples) stiffness leads to an improvement in the performance of the hybrid vehicle suspension. The manganese content in the chemical composition of spring steels affects the stiffness of the springs. It has been established that the manganese content in steels used for the manufacture of car suspension springs is 0.8 - 1.2%.

Scientific novelty. The mathematical model that makes it possible to simulate the vertical and transverse-angular vibrations of a car body with a dependent or semi-independent rear axle suspension, and is able to consider the influence of the road profile and damage to its pavement has been developed. It was determined that the manganese content in the steels of the suspension springs of a hybridized car equipped with motor wheels should be at least 1%.

Practical value. The developed mathematical model is convenient for use and it allows you to reasonably choose the parameters of the rear suspension of the car at the design stage. As a result, an increase in the technical level of automobiles, as well as a reduction in costs and time for bringing newly designed or modernized suspension systems, is ensured.

Keywords: suspension, hybridized car, mathematical model, spring steel, hardness.


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