Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


A. Belikov1, Z. Matsuk2, V. Protsiv3

1 Ukraine, Dnipro, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

2 Ukraine, Dnipro, Modific LLC

3 Ukraine, Dnipro, Dnipro University of Technology

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Purpose. Justification of the need to introduce a new academic discipline in the technical specialties of faculties of higher educational institutions.

The methodology. An analysis of the development trends of the European education system in terms of the needs of Ukraine in the specialists of the new generation.

Findings. A new direction in the field of education is justified. The need for all sectors of the economy in the specialists of the new generation is determined.

The originality. New basic concepts and directions in the field of education are formulated.

Practical implications. It was proposed to start teaching the discipline "Еnergy and resource management ", as well as the creation of an appropriate curriculum.

Key words: education, energy, resources, management.


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